Time for county to get its act together

Published 10:28 am Friday, September 28, 2012

To the Editor:

“The county is not broke, we have a healthy amount of cash to fall back on,” was Southampton County Drewryville District Supervisor Dallas Jones’ recent quote (“Southampton boards asked to give up pay,” Sept. 9).

“To me it is evidence we have to get spending under control,” was Newsoms District Supervisor Glenn Updike’s comment (“County to borrow money to pay bills,” Sept. 22).

Wow, as I read this story, I can only think of one thing. In the words of Gomer Pyle, “surprise, surprise, surprise!!”

I only suppose Mr. Jones was talking about the money at SunTrust Bank, not the county coffers?

I am guessing the quote “if we don’t borrow another dime for 30 years, Southampton will pay all its bills off” was a joke too?

The taxpayers are getting the shaft here. Mr. Updike is 100 percent right! We have a spending problem! When are our leaders going to wake up and smell the coffee?

I agree we can’t default on our obligations. But let this be a wakeup call. We need to get our act together now!

Larry Smith