All Franklin schools, Riverdale given accreditation-warning status

Published 3:52 pm Wednesday, September 26, 2012

COURTLAND—All of the schools in the City of Franklin have been placed on an accreditation warning list, meaning they did not meet all state standards for achievement in English, math, history and science.

Riverdale Elementary School in Southampton County also was placed on the list, according to the Virginia Department of Education.

S.P. Morton Elementary School in Franklin fell below state standards in reading, while J.P. King Middle School and Franklin fell below standards in math.

Math also was the problem area for Riverdale students.

The four schools were among 100 schools out, or five percent, of Virginia’s 1,836 schools to be accredited with warning; 1,714, or 93 percent, are accredited.

A school can receive the accredited with warning classification no more than three consecutive years.