Supervisors’ comments about pay disturbing

Published 9:06 am Friday, September 14, 2012

To the Editor:

I recently read the story (“Southampton boards asked to give up pay,” Sept. 9) about the watchdog group asking board members to forgo their pay for three years.

My hat goes off to the members who have or would agree to do so. (Southampton County Supervisor Chairman) Mr. (Dallas) Jones said “the county is not broke. We have a healthy amount of money we can fall back on.”

What! Are you kidding me?

Where is this mountain of cash? Why are the taxpayers asked to foot a new $200 trash tax, or the county will be broke? Mr. West’s “so be it comment” was just plain insensitive and down right rude!

I just shake my head as I read this? Unbelievable! Remember this voters!

Larry Smith