Woman thankful for Justice Fuller
Published 10:10 am Friday, August 10, 2012
To the Editor:
Newspapers and television news reports are constantly filled with shootings, murders, beatings, robberies, and the list goes on and on.
Seldom do we get to read or hear a good story. I have a good one!
After shopping in Food Lion and taking my groceries to the car in a cart, I returned the cart to the proper place and drove to another store to finish my shopping for the day. When I arrived there, I realized that I did not have my purse, so in a frenzy and driving much too fast, I raced back to Food Lion and rushed into the store to see if anyone had turned in a white purse.
A smile on the checker’s face told me they had a white purse. I had left my purse in the cart, and a young employee saw it as he was coming to work, took it inside and gave it to the manager.
This young man is Justice Fuller, and I was proud to reward him monetarily for his kind gesture, and more importantly, to let the readership of this paper as well as his family and friends know what an outstanding young man we have in our community.
May God bless you, Justice Fuller, for your honesty and your sense of responsibility for doing right. I feel very blessed to have had this man as my guardian angel that day!
Jessie White