Southampton teens attend camp

Published 11:10 am Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Breanna Johnson shares the podium with Sons of Confederate Veterans Urquhart-Gillette Camp 1471Commander Jon Pyle as she speak about her experience at the 9th Annual Sam Davis Youth Camp. SUBMITTED

THAXTON—Two Southampton County teens from June 16-22 attended the 9th Annual Sam Davis Youth Camp at the Virginia Woodmen of the World Family Activity Center in Thaxton.

Attending with sponsorship from the Sons of Confederate Veterans Urquhart-Gillette Camp 1471 were Breanna Johnson, the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Earl Johnson, and Briggs Simmons, the son of Tommy and Katherine Simmons.

This camp combined recreation with instruction in Southern history and the War Between the States. Additional instruction included the theology of the South during the war and lessons on Southern heroes.