First day of summer brings heat

Published 3:36 pm Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wade Beale, who works for Vick's Landscaping, trims around a tree on Clay Street in Franklin, which hit a high of 95 degrees on Wednesday. GWEN ALBERS/TIDEWATER NEWS


FRANKLIN—H.F. Vick has dealt with his share of hot days, just like Wednesday when the first day of summer hit a blazing 95 degrees, and the humidity made it feel more like 103.

As the owner of Vick’s Landscaping in Hunterdale for 26 years, he’s learned to deal with those days.

“You put a wet towel around you neck and you keep on going,” Vick said while mowing grass at a Clay Street home in Franklin.

Wednesday’s Summer Solstice ushered in the longest day of the year, with 14 hours and 40 minutes of daylight, and was the hottest day of the year. It wasn’t hot enough to break the 98-degree record set for the same date in 1970, according to the Weather Channel.

Thursday hit 97, which tied a record set in 1949. The average high for the third week in June is 88 degrees, according to the Weather Channel.

Like Vick, Howard Story grew up in Western Tidewater and has experienced his share of hot summers, especially while growing up on a farm in Southampton County. This is Story’s first summer, however, to operate a business that will require him to work outdoors.

“I knew it would be tough to deal with, but I can deal with it,” said Story, who recently started Marle Hill Lawn Service after selling cars for 28 years. “I’ve been in the heat all my life. You just have to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids.”