Good luck to graduates

Published 11:00 am Saturday, June 16, 2012

Today, June 16, will wrap up the last of Western Tidewater’s 2012 high school graduations.

Just over 200 Southampton High School seniors at 10 a.m. will receive their diplomas and their passes into what we hope will be bright futures.

On Friday night, 92 seniors graduated from Franklin High School and another 107 from Windsor High School. A few weeks ago, Southampton Academy graduated 19, Tidewater Academy 14 and Isle of Wight Academy 47.

Some graduates will head to college, others to trade schools. Some will join the military, others the workforce. All face challenges as we live in economically tough times.

Whatever path you choose, set your goals and make sure they are realistic. Work hard, yet allow time for fun. And don’t give up.

It’s hard at age 18 to know what one wants to do for the rest of his life, but it’s also a time to begin making decisions and working toward goals.

So do your best, and most of all, good luck.