Garbage charge finalized

Published 11:23 am Wednesday, May 30, 2012

COURTLAND—Southampton County supervisors on Tuesday approved a $52 million budget that includes a $200 annual garbage fee for each household.

Newsoms District Supervisor Glenn Updike was the only one to oppose the spending plan that keeps all taxes at the same rate as this year except real estate taxes.

At a rate of 75 cents per $100 of assessed property value, the owner of a $100,000 home will pay $750 in real estate taxes. The old rate was 77 cents. With the 2011 reassessment, property values increased by 5 percent, so to keep taxes level, the rate was reduced.

Supervisors agreed that if any unexpected money comes in from the state or federal government, they want to decide how it is spent.

Updike noted that Gov. Bob McDonnell’s budget has an $881 million surplus. Assuming the county should get some of that money, he suggested it go toward paying down the county’s $70 million debt.

The board agreed that if additional funds come in, before they can be spent, supervisors want to have a say.

“If the Sheriff’s Office gets $50,000 more in funds, he (Sheriff Jack Stutts) doesn’t have the authority to spend it,” said Franklin District Supervisor Barry Porter. “It has to become before the board.