PDCCC graduates 32 nurses
Published 10:54 am Monday, May 21, 2012

Nancy Verdirame, associate professor of nursing at Paul D. Camp Community College, pins nursing student graduate Katina Sharpe. SUBMITTED
FRANKLIN—Paul D. Camp Community College nursing students recently received pins for completing the registered nursing program.
Held at the Regional Workforce Development Center, the ceremony featured speaker Colleen Flick, a registered nurse and former PDCCC adjunct faculty member, who served on the college board and now works in emergency at Sentara Obici Hospital in Suffolk.
Jessica Tarrant, Barbara Johnson, Nicole Bedoya, Brittany Barnes, Antoinette Adams, Kristine Pearce, Leticia Mickels, Sissy Jumper, Desiree Gunn, Becky Belcher, Jenipher McMillan, Erin Holland, Janie D’Amico, Laura White, Katrina Denny and Denise Gephart were recognized for participating in the Nursing Student Association.
Other honors went to class president Erin Holland, who earned the Dr. Candace Rogers Excellence in Leadership Award; Kristine Pearce, who received the Florence Nightingale Award; class treasurer Barbara Johnson, who was presented the Nursing Academic Excellence Award; 2010-11 class vice president Katrina Denny, who received the Good Citizen Award; class secretary Denise Gephart, who earned the Mentorship Award; and Becky Belcher and Jessica Scott, who received the Nursing Clinical Excellence Award.
Recently retired Vice President for Institutional Advancement Dr. Patsy Joyner and current Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services Dr. Joe Edenfield were honored by the presentation of the first pins awarded by Nursing Program Head Dr. Candace Rogers.
Members of the Class of 2012 receiving pins were:
Elizabeth Parker, Antoinette Adams, Desiree Gunn, all of Courtland; Katrina Denny, Stacy Griffith, Jamie Edwards, Tonia Golden, Laura White, Barbara Johnson and Becky Belcher, all of Franklin; Brittany Barnes of Sedley; Whitney Irvine, Janie D’Amico, Jessica Scott, Kristine Pearce, Leticia Mickels, Jenipher McMillan, Nicole Bedoya and Katina Sharpe, all of Suffolk; Emmalia Roi Colendrino and Tamara Williams, both of Wakefield; Sissy Jumper of Zuni; Roykieya Whitaker of Scotland Neck, N.C.; Erin Holland of Chesapeake; Stephanie Marshall and Ashlee Landrus, both of Windsor; Jordyn McGrew of Smithfield; Denise Gephart of Ivor; Yvonne Creech and Jessica Tarrant, both of Carrsville; Millie Munford of Drewryville; and Jessica Barnes of Newsoms.