School board shakeup?

Published 10:22 am Saturday, May 12, 2012

FRANKLIN—Five of the Franklin School Board’s seven seats will be up for reappointment starting Monday, May 14.

The City Council will take nominations at its 7 p.m. meeting for the seats currently held by Will Councill in Ward 1, Glenn Hopkins in Ward 2, Vice Chairwoman Mona Murphy in Ward 4, Chairman Bill Scarboro in Ward 6 and at-large member Edna King.

Scarboro and Murphy are ineligible for reappointment.

Murphy was elected recently to fill the Ward 4 City Council seat being vacated by Mayor-elect Raystine Johnson. Scarboro has reached the city’s limit of three consecutive three-year terms on the board.

Councill, Hopkins and King are all up for reappointment.

Nominations can be made during Monday’s public hearing at City Hall, said City Manager Randy Martin. A nominee must be a qualified voter and a resident of the ward he seeks to represent. Resumes of nominees may also be collected during the hearing.

The council will make the school board appointments before July 1, when the new terms take effect.

The Ward 2 appointment will be for one year, while the Ward 1 appointment will last for two years. The Ward 4, Ward 6 and at-large appointments will be for the normal three-year term to get the board back to staggered appointments, Martin said.

After all seats are filled, the school board members will have to elect a new chairman and vice chairman with the departures of Scarboro and Murphy.

That decision has not yet been discussed, said King, who plans to seek reappointment to her at-large seat.

“Just realizing we are losing our chairman and vice chairman is alarming,” She said. “It will be impossible to replace those two.”

Hopkins, who also is seeking reappointment, said that discussion will have to occur after all the new board members are in place.

Councill said Friday that he too will seek reappointment to the board.

The City Council has the option of reappointing or replacing any or all of the three prospective returnees.