John E. “Tex” Ritter Jr.
Published 9:13 am Saturday, May 5, 2012
Name: John E. “Tex” Ritter Jr.

John Ritter Jr. says the secret to happiness is to be content with your life and your life situation. Good can be found in everything. -- Stephen H. Cowles | Tidewater News
Age: 58
Occupation: Retired from civil service as a nurse of 22 years for the Navy
Child’s age: John E. Ritter III, 17
Church affiliation: Christian
If I could change my name: I like my name. My grandfather liked Tex Ritter, who was the father of John Ritter, the actor.
Pets I own: Cats Spunky, Radar and Bootsy
Favorite movie of all time: “Silent Running”
TV show I never miss: “Fox News”
The secret to happiness is: Be content with your life and your life situation. Good can be found in everything
I wish I knew how to: Play the piano
Favorite music: Classic rock, big band and classical
If I had to eat only three types of food for the rest of my life, they’d be: Thai, Italian and Soul
Two words that best describe me: Complex and empathetic
One superpower I wish I had: Morphing, the ability to change shapes
Book on my nightstand: “Dead or Alive” by Tom Clancy
My proudest achievement: My son. He’s the best gift God ever gave me
My most humbling moment: When I realized I’m not the most important person in the world, but everything is for the greater good of God. Or, to be briefer, when I became a Christian.
My most recent trip: Last summer with my son to Myrtle Beach, S.C.
My life won’t be complete until: I see my son graduate from college
My friends think I’m: Silly
I really lose my cool when: I see somebody doing something that common sense says you shouldn’t do.
Favorite pro sports team: Pittsburgh Steelers
Favorite color: Yellow
The best life lesson I’ve learned and who taught it to me: To be tolerant of others no matter their station in life. My nana, Mildred Wenk
the best decision I’ve made in life: To go to nursing school.
Local charitable or non-profit organization I wish more people would support: The American Red Cross
What gives me the blues: Injustice in the world
My best childhood memory: Spending summers with my nana in southern Maryland