Prosecutor seeks life in prison for burglar

Published 10:23 am Friday, May 4, 2012

COURTLAND—A Southampton County prosecutor on Thursday sought life in prison for a habitual burglar’s most recent crimes.

Jermaine Jenkins, 24, of Franklin ended up getting 28 years in prison for attempting to rob an elderly couple inside their Crescent Drive home in Franklin in October 2009 and burglarizing Smith’s Jewelers one month earlier.

“I learned my lesson,” Jenkins said during his sentencing in circuit court. “I’ve learned from my mistakes.”

Police said Jenkins and co-defendant Samuel Boyd knocked on the victims’ door, claiming they were neighbors. Jenkins pulled out a gun, which the man grabbed and cut his hand. The wound needed 19 stitches

Jenkins also broke a window at the downtown jewelry store and took a fake diamond.

Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Toni Colvin highlighted Jenkins’ criminal history including three other burglary convictions and asked Judge Rodham T. Delk to consider life in prison.

“This individual is very damaging for any community,” Colvin said. “We’re asking that Mr. Jenkins be punished.”

Jenkins’ attorney, Edward Railey, said life was inappropriate and asked for a 10- to 11-year sentence.

Delk told Jenkins his criminal history was a concern.

“You have demonstrated since the age of 13 that you’re going to commit crimes of violence and that concerns the court.”