National Day of Prayer on May 3

Published 9:02 am Wednesday, May 2, 2012

To the Editor:

It is my privilege to extend a hearty invitation to everyone in our community to come together for our local National Day of Prayer Rally at the Franklin Armory Field Stadium.

The date for this year’s gathering is Thursday, May 3, at 7 p.m. Our national theme for this 61st National Day of Prayer is “One Nation Under God.”

This year, our local rally will focus on our children and the generational blessings of the Lord. A children’s ensemble will be singing and young people will be leading prayer segments as well.

As always, we want to use this occasion to thank our public servants for their sacrifices. We are asking people to wear patriotic red, white and blue colors for the event.

Have you ever thought about the impact and power of one more prayer? During a drought in Israel that lasted over three years, Elijah began to earnestly pray for rain. As he prayed, Elijah sent his assistant on six different occasions to check the sky for any signs of rain. Each time the word came back, “There is nothing.”

Elijah decided to pray one more time. On the seventh time that his servant gazed into the sky, he saw a cloud the size of a man’s hand. Elijah’s petition had been answered in a seemingly insignificant way, but that little cloud grew into a mighty storm that released heavy rain and broke a devastating drought on the land.

For the seventh year at the Armory Field Stadium, we are preparing to honor the Lord as our community comes together to observe our National Day of Prayer. We anticipate 50 churches to be enthusiastically represented.

Let’s believe God for the rain of His favor to fall upon our region, our state and our nation. We are better because we have prayed together. When God’s people cry out, heaven responds. Dads and moms, bring your children for this memorable occasion. See you at the rally.

Rev. David S. Dillon
Local National Day of Prayer Steering Committee