Johnson best choice for Ward 4

Published 8:11 am Friday, April 27, 2012

To the Editor:

I know that everyone is talking about the battle for the City of Franklin mayor’s seat, but I want to say a few words about the Ward 4 race.

I know many people in Franklin who cannot survive more tax increases and increases in utility and electric bills, and I encourage these folks, their families and friends to vote Linwood Johnson at the next election.

Linwood Johnson has a keen mind, and his intellect will serve us well. I support his plan for jobs creation, economic development, regional cooperation, small business development, development of business-friendly policies and long-range business planning.

Dr. Johnson has the edge over his competition. With his years of business experience, there really isn’t another choice for Ward 4. Vote for Dr. Linwood Johnson on May 1. Franklin needs him.

Ronnie Joyner