Barry Cheatham has earned their votes

Published 9:18 am Friday, April 20, 2012

To the Editor:

While two good candidates vie for the Ward 1 council seat, we will vote for Barry Cheatham for these reasons:

• When the mayor insisted on maintaining a 90-cent real estate tax rate in 2008, Cheatham, Councilwoman Raystine Johnson and three other council members successfully fought to have it lowered to 77 cents. This was important to all taxpayers and especially to those of limited means.

• Cheatham and Johnson voted with three colleagues to eliminate council expense accounts and cap council salaries in spite of leadership resistance.

• Cheatham, when appointed to the Southeastern Public Services Board, helped bring order and fiscal responsibility to that mismanaged organization.

• Cheatham helped lead the fight to resist questionable Navy usage of the local airport.

• Cheatham consistently works for orderly meetings, cost control and cooperative, constructive Franklin representation in regional organizations.

His experience, devotion to teamwork on behalf of the whole city and demonstrated expertise have earned our votes.

Nancy and Joe Stutts