Calling on actors, directors

Published 9:56 am Friday, April 13, 2012

by Kathy Worrell

“Another opening, another show….”

Yes, we did have our Franklin Little Theater reunion and found that there was, indeed, interest in re-activating the group! But the question remains, is there ENOUGH interest to do all that is necessary to put on a production.

If you have never been involved in a little theater production, you may not know the various areas that have to be covered. With that in mind, several of the “seasoned” members met last Friday night to come up with a plan.

To discover any budding directors and actors in our community, the group is planning an actors/directors workshop under the direction of Ken Raybuck.

Raybuck has directed and starred in many of the popular productions in past years. Employed by Franklin City Public Schools, he will retire at the end of this school term and move back to his home state of West Virginia.

Raybuck stated, “Franklin Little Theater is dear to my heart. I want to contribute in any way I can to give it a chance to succeed.”

He has offered to lead both workshops. This is a wonderful opportunity to glean knowledge from a master craftsman.

Participants should be no younger than high school age. There is no such thing as “too old.” While there is no monetary cost to participate, there is a time commitment.

Also, you must choose if you want to participate as an actor or director — you cannot do both. All workshops will be held in the evening in various churches in the community.

Ken will meet with the directors for three evenings; then he will meet with the actors for three evenings.

After that, the directors will direct the actors in a one-act play, practicing for nine nights. The culmination of this exercise will be held on the last night with the final performance.

The initial night of instruction will be Monday, April 30, and the presentation is set for Saturday, May 19, at the Forks of the River Community Building.

Have you ever been accused of “telling people what to do” or “being a drama queen or king?” This may be the perfect avenue for your talents!

Deadline for registration is April 20 so that appropriate shows can be selected to accommodate those participating. If you are interested in participating, please contact Vivian at 562-2198 or Kathy at 562-2915.

KATHY WORRELL is a member of the former Franklin Little Theater and can be reached at