A challenge answered?

Published 2:21 pm Saturday, April 7, 2012


FRANKLIN—Attendees at Wednesday’s mayoral candidate forum might recall Ward 3 Councilman Greg McLemore’s unique closing remark. He said he would drop out of the race if anyone could explain why World Trade Center Building No. 7 fell on Sept. 11, 2001.

On Friday afternoon, Melvina Cross came to The Tidewater News with what she believes was the cause — and a way to clear the path for a two-way race between incumbent Mayor Jim Councill and Vice Mayor Raystine Johnson.

Her short answer, in essence, is “the U.S. government.”

Cross said she decided to take up the councilman on his challenge, so she went to the Internet for answers.

“You make a challenge and I’ll answer it,” she said. “There is no (definitive) answer to the candidate’s question about Building No. 7. Even the government is leading towards some ill involvement and conspiracy. I face any challenges, which is why I put my mind to the test against McLemore’s broad question. Now the ball is in his court, because I found the true facts.”

During her research, Cross consulted www.rense.com, www.wikipedia.com, www.cosmicpenguin.com, www.ph.answers.yahoo.com, www.debunking911.com, www.911research.wtc7.net, and even www.jesusissavior.com.

A range of conspiracy theories dispute that al-Qaeda was solely responsible for the attacks. For example, some believe that American officials knew in advance of the plot — and allowed it to happen in order to justify taking greater control in domestic and international affairs.

Regardless, Cross’ response begs the question: Will McLemore will now indeed step aside?

No such luck for his opponents, he said Friday.

Told about Cross taking up the gauntlet, McLemore said his remark was made partly in jest (the quitting part) — but more seriously to get residents to think.