Published 10:31 am Friday, March 23, 2012
Franklin Police
Nicholas R. Chaney, 22, possession of marijuana
James Lynch ,23, urinating in public
Jamine L. Teal, 21, leaving the scene of an accident
Charles A. Haley, 44, assault and battery
Davin R. Weathers , 32, suspended drivers license
Ouanta K. Long Jr., 18, possession of marijuana
Shannon M. Cagle , 30, capias
Tremone S. Elliott, 25, brandish firearm, assault and battery, destruction of property, reckless handling of a firearm
Marquise D. Lankford, 25, assault and battery
Deangela Cooper, 33, assault and battery
Franti D. Urquhart, 20, loitering, possess alcohol under 21
Daryl R. Boone, 37, assault and battery
Necole Yvette Wooten, 39, grand larceny, capias
Andre Williams, 37, possession of marijuana
Ebony Richards, 22, drunk in public
Charles A. Haley, 45, possession of cocaine
Michael M. Wyche, 19, PWID marijuana, possess alcohol under 21
Albert Flores, 37, open alcohol container, driving while intoxicated
Tavous E. Kindred, 22, suspended license, reckless driving
Jeffrey Roser, 39, trespassing
Ray Sykes, 54, urinating in public
Tyrene Murphy, 20, concealment of merchandise
Janet R. Guzmanlopez, 30, warrant of extradition, burglary, forgery
Laron D. Barnes, 18, destruction of property, disorderly conduct
Eldridge E. Beale ,47, embezzlement
Quentin A. Vaden 33, assault and battery