Voices for Kids – CASA

Published 10:10 am Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Name of person featured: Michelle Bonney

Name of EMPLOYER: Voices for Kids – CASA

Phone number of ORGANIZATION: 357-2170

Operating hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

E-mail address: info@voicesforkidsofsv.org

Nature of Business: Child advocacy

Year founded: 2004

Number of employees: Three

How’s ORGANIZATION going? Expanding

One thing you wish everyone knew about your ORGANIZATION: We are a volunteer-driven organization that is constantly looking for individuals to go the extra mile and be the voice for a child in need.

Advice to young entrepreneurs: Establish clear goals and do not stop until you reach them.

Your first job: Ice cream sales at Busch Gardens

Your role model (in business or in life generally) and why: A family friend and prisoner of war survivor who taught me that if you are not smiling daily you need to make a change.

The key to a successful business is: The ability to work as an effective team.