iPad 3 sales slow here

Published 11:30 am Saturday, March 17, 2012

FRANKLIN—Friday’s release of the Apple iPad 3 had customers lined up for blocks and camped overnight in some cities, but not in Franklin.

Sales kicked off at midnight and by 7 a.m. Friday, three of the third-generation tablet computers had been sold at the Walmart on Armory Drive, said Electronics Department Manager Vicky Joyner.

All was quiet throughout the day. As of early evening, the two of the initial five in stock remained locked up in the display case. They are priced at $499 each.

Joyner doesn’t expect the iPad 3s to last long at the store and knows more will come in.

“We will sell out today,” added Mary Stephens, a sales associate at the Walmart. “They are a hot buy.”

Joyner had about a dozen inquiries into the iPad 3 prior to them going on sale, and Stephens had about six.

The new iPad is slightly thicker and heavier, and its biggest selling point is the improved display, which packs in four times as many pixels as the iPad 2. The processing speed, memory and graphical capabilities are improved.

Radio Shack takes orders for the iPad 3s, but referred additional questions to its corporate office in Texas. No one returned a phone call.