‘Godspell’ wonderful effort by Franklin students

Published 10:09 am Wednesday, March 14, 2012

To the Editor:

Franklin High School’s dramatic production of “Godspell” on March 1-3 was fantastic and a testament to what a school can do in a community.

Hats off to Director Ken Raybuck, the 10 talented actors and actresses, and the many adults, students and parents who assisted in making this production possible. Ken will be missed by Franklin City Public Schools and the Franklin community because he is retiring this year and returning to his native West Virginia.

Ken has been a force for drama productions for many, many years, and he has volunteered to take on producing dramas at Franklin High School for the past several years on top of his already busy day as an administrator at the central office.

Ken and these young people managed to achieve in this production things that do not seem possible in this city at all times. The kids showed us commitment and unity to a purpose, the maximizing of their talents, the use of community resources, and the development of friendships, respect and love for each other regardless of race, sex or age.

To top it off, everyone who attended was joyously entertained with the modern relevance of the word of God from the parables that “Godspell” depicts. There was laughter, clapping and singing from tots to teens to senior citizens. Who could believe that words of goodness and the ways to treat your fellow man could be so much fun?

Thanks to all who came out to enjoy the show. To those who did not, you missed a great opportunity to see what is good in our schools.

Too often the public only hears the negatives about today’s public education. All of us educators are proud of the Franklin High students who showcased the positive.

We appreciate your newspaper’s advertising the play to the community as well. Let’s hope for more of these events, perhaps a revival of drama productions combining the talents of the schools and the community.

Are there any more Ken Raybucks out there who will rise to this challenge?

Becky Gillette