Search for armed robbers continues
Published 10:19 am Saturday, January 21, 2012
MURFREESBORO, N.C.—Police continue to look for two men who held up Advance Auto in Murfreesboro, N.C., on Tuesday.
Murfreesboro Police Chief Darrell Rowe said the suspects were carrying shotguns or rifles and forced their way inside the store, held up two employees at gunpoint and made off with an undisclosed amount of cash.
Shortly before 7 a.m., an Advance Auto delivery driver was unloading parts to take inside the store. There was a female clerk also working there, Rowe said.
“We believe the suspects were lying in wait to make their move and did so by forcing the delivery driver inside the front of the store,” he said. “Once inside, the male employee was ordered to lie on the floor and was held there at gunpoint. The female employee, also held at gunpoint, was ordered to hand over what cash was in the store. Fearing for her life, she obliged.”
The suspects were dressed in black and dark hooded sweatshirts and wore black bandanas to hide their faces.
Both employees were shaken, but neither was injured.
The Ahoskie Police dog picked up a track from the store.
“That led us to the conclusion that the suspects had a vehicle waiting and fled the area,” Rowe said. “We suspected they would try to get rid of some of the evidence. We had officers to walk that route for four miles and also rode 10 miles along the suspected path. We were able to recover some evidence. We’re hoping that evidence will help us solve this case.”
Anyone with information, is asked to call police at 252-398-4151.