Hats off to reading foundation

Published 9:33 am Wednesday, January 18, 2012

There are any number of topics that we in the newspaper business spend time covering that, quite frankly, we’d probably prefer not to have to, such as crime, violence, political shenanigans and economic woes — just to name a few.

That is why we are so pleased when one of the many talented and giving individuals in our community gives us the opportunity to rise and applaud their positive efforts.

One such instance has gradually occurred over the course of the last year, with the forming of the Jameer Woodley Reading Foundation. Founded by Southampton County teacher and Capron resident Hattie Francis, the mission is to promote literacy in Western Tidewater by providing books to children who otherwise may not be able to afford them.

The foundation held its first gala on Saturday, during which more than $4,500 — as well as a good bit of public awareness — was raised.

But it was neither the gala, nor the funds raised, which will certainly buy a good number of books that we find so impressive and worthy of our attention. It is that Francis, a recent graduate of Virginia Tech, and her fellow foundation members all saw a need in the community and found a way to meet it.

Many in the community recognize areas where there are needs that go unmet and lament the lack of effort that seems to go into addressing serious problems. Yet, there are precious few who take the time and make the effort to go about creating positive change in the world around us.

We tip our caps to Francis, and all those responsible for the successful launch of the Jameer Woodley Reading Foundation, for giving us something to cheer about, and for showing us how it is done.