Southampton County financially stable
Published 10:54 am Wednesday, December 21, 2011
COURTLAND—A certified public accountant told Southampton County supervisors on Monday the county is financially stable.
“Your audit meets standards and you have a good cash balance of $6.2 million,” said Robin Jones with Creedle, Jones and Alga in South Hill.
She noted that the county’s savings decreased by $205,889 or 3.2 percent, “which in these economic times is very commendable for a county.”
The audit for 2010-2011 also indicated that:
• At $1.07 million, there was 4.1 percent more revenue than budgeted.
• Coming in above budget were property taxes at 3 percent, other local taxes at 13.5 percent, fines and forfeitures at $7.4 percent, charges for services at 18.2 percent and shared revenue with the City of Franklin for the industrial corridor, 41.3 percent.
• Spending was $2.24 million, or 8 percent, less than budgeted.
• Departments that saved $25,000 included County Administrator’s Office, Board of Assessors, Sheriff’s Office, Probation, Refuse Disposal, the School Board, Planning and Community Development, and Cooperative Extension.
• The school board under spent its budget by 12.3 percent, or $1.62 million. The board will request these funds for its upcoming fiscal budget.