Supervisors, voter registrar honored

Published 10:03 am Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Southampton County Supervisor Chairman Dallas Jones, left, presents a resolution of appreciation to outgoing Supervisors Walt Brown during Monday's meeting. GWEN ALBERS/TIDEWATER NEWS

COURTLAND—Southampton County supervisors on Monday recognized four of their own whose terms expire on Dec. 31 and Voter Registrar Leona Davis, who is retiring.

Departing supervisors Anita Felts from the Jerusalem District, Walt Brown Newsoms District, Moses Wyche Capron District and Walter Young Franklin District served a total of 40 years on the board. Felts, Brown and Wyche served two, four-year terms and Young, four, four-year terms.

All lost to challengers during the Nov. 8 election. Scheduled to be sworn in at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 3, for their four-year terms will be Dr. Alan Edwards representing the Jerusalem District, Glenn Updike representing Newsoms, Bruce Phillips representing Capron and Barry Porter for the Franklin District.

Supervisor Chairman Dallas Jones presented outgoing supervisors with resolutions of appreciation.

“It’s been a pleasure,” Jones told Young. “I’m gonna miss you, but you’ll still be my friend.”

Jones said he will miss having a woman on the board now that Felts is leaving, and enjoyed serving with Wyche and Brown.

Davis began working part-time for the Voter Registrar’s Office in August 1985 and was appointed Registrar in September 1994.

“I would just like to thank you so much for the help you’ve given me,” Jones told her. “We’re gonna miss you.”