Pumpkin Fest in Boykins a great day

Published 9:03 am Friday, November 11, 2011

To the Editor:

The Pumpkin Fest held on Saturday, Oct. 22, was a grand day for the Town of Boykins.

Former residents and people from near and far came to enjoy the well planned and scheduled activities of the day. The enthusiasm of the people on this beautiful day will long be remembered.

This enthusiasm was inspired by the Boykins Main Street Initiative, which was organized in 2008 for the purpose of bringing new life to our town.

The Main Street Initiative appointed the Pumpkin Fest Committee. This very capable committee organized, directed and carried out the activities with the help of the town crew and local citizens.

Boykins is coming back to life with the combination of new visionaries and current citizens who are willing to take on new projects.

Shirley Bryant