Windsor jobs good news for Franklin area

Published 10:17 am Saturday, October 29, 2011

WINDSOR—The announcement made Friday by Gov. Bob McDonnell of 800 new jobs coming to Windsor will have a positive impact on Franklin and Southampton County, officials said.

Franklin Mayor Jim Councill said the opening of the Green Mountain Coffee Roasters production and distribution facility will mean that the employees will have to live and shop somewhere.

“To me it’s a win-win,” Councill said. “We all win when they win.”

The attitude is the same for officials in Southampton County.

“It’s going to be boon for us all,” said Southampton County Supervisor Ronnie West. “I’m happy for Isle of Wight County. They’ve been working on this for a while and I know it’s going to be good for everyone.”

Southampton County Administrator Mike Johnson said the news would help boost commerce along the Route 460 corridor, which would benefit the region.

“I’m excited,” Johnson said. “It provides real job opportunities to people not only in Isle of Wight County but in Southampton County, Franklin and Suffolk.”

This most recent announcement coupled with previous announcements about the repurposing of the shuttered International Paper mill means there’s “hope on the horizon,” Councill added.

“It’s going to be a much better Christmas this year than last,” he said. “There’ll be a lot more smiles.”