You asked: Sign permit needed to put up crosses
Published 9:30 am Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Rev. David Dillon with Rock Church of Franklin inserts a cross in the ground along Stewart Drive in Franklin in July 2010. The crosses represent the number of abortions performed weekly in Hampton Roads. -- FILE
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You asked: What regulations does the city have with regards to the crosses that signify abortions across from Bronco Federal Credit Union?
FRANKLIN—Community Development Director Donald Goodwin said Thursday that Rock Church of Franklin applied for a sign permit on April 8, 2010, to put crosses on the land on Stewart Drive across from Bronco Federal Credit Union.
As a public service statement, these crosses represented abortions performed in the Hampton Roads region, and would be added weekly for a year.
“Basically, it’s an opinion sign,” Goodwin said.
Under an ordinance governing signs, the cost for such a permit is $25.50.
He added that the church requested to use the land for a year, but there’s no set time limit.
“There’s no recourse to require the crosses to be taken down,” Goodwin said.
If the church took the crosses down, but later decides to reinstall them, a new application could be done, he said.
In an earlier interview with The Tidewater News, the church said it was attempting to get across its pro-life message. The ministry in April 2010 began putting up 17 crosses a week. The group chose one, 18- to 24-inch cross for every 10 abortions. Crosses are pounded 6 inches into the ground.