Camera may be installed at Windsor intersection
Published 11:23 am Friday, September 16, 2011
WINDSOR—Windsor officials are considering installing a red light camera at the six-way intersection where Route 460 meets North and South Court streets and Bank and Church streets, said Police Chief Vic Reynolds.
The camera photographs motorists who drive through a red light.
“Once the camera is in place, violators would receive a ticket for $50 in the mail,” Reynolds said. “This would be one of the best deterrents to slowing down speeders we could have.”
“The intersection is so poorly designed that motorists, especially those traveling Route 460, aren’t aware of the other streets coming into the main highway,” he added
Former Chief Robert Porti initially explored the idea.
“We have been working on this for about two years,” Reynolds said.
The Isle of Wight Board of Supervisors must adopt an ordinance supporting the installation of the camera, after which Redflex Traffic Systems will do a feasibility study, he said.
The Virginia Department of Transportation supports the measure, Reynolds said.
After all the studies and paperwork have been completed, installation would be done quickly, he said.
This is by no means a moneymaking venture for the town, Reynolds said.
“Our main concern is safety,” he said. “We are having way too many accidents at this intersection, and the presence of a camera is sure to help.”
Redflex will be paid $5,000 a month, which will come from fines. Any money collected beyond the $5,000 fee will go to the town.