Whiting gets another admin job

Published 10:06 am Saturday, August 20, 2011

FRANKLIN—Lawrence Whiting will supervise transportation for Franklin City Public Schools in a move that officials say could save the division roughly $50,000.

Whiting was named the division’s supervisor of pupil support services, a position that oversees transportation and food services.

The position replaces that of outgoing Transportation Director Ricky Blunt and includes a food services position, which became Whiting’s part-time job July 1. Prior to July 1, Whiting was the full-time student services director and before that was principal of Franklin High School.

“I’m very grateful for his willingness to do it and in the timing,” said Superintendent Dr. Michelle Belle. “It’s a win-win situation.”

Whiting’s first day in the new position, which pays $74,788, was Tuesday, said Gail Wade, division director of human resources.

“Tuesday morning he began training with Ricky Blunt and began transitioning into the new position,” Wade said. “I’m glad we were able to move (Whiting) into a full-time position.”

Blunt’s last day is Monday. He will fill a similar position for Southampton County Schools.

Wade said by rolling the part-time food services position and the transportation director job into one, the system will save approximately $50,000.

Thursday the board approved a new receptionist and administrative professional position for that department as well, Wade said.