Court Dispositions
Published 9:14 am Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Isle of Wight County Circuit Court
JUSTIN EUGENE MONETTE, Smithfield, two years probation for disorderly conduct, one month in jail, $334 in costs; two years probation on assault and battery charge; 24 years probation for entering vehicle without consent
GEORGE MICHAEL SPELLER, Newport News, three years probation and $423 in costs for uttering
JOHN LEE SHORT, Suffolk, one year in prison, one year probation, $2,656 in costs and $5,526 in restitution for obtaining money under false pretense
GEORGE DAVID WILLIAMS, Smithfield, driver’s license suspended for three years, two years probation, $500 fine and $375 in court costs for third drunken driving arrest
Southampton County
Circuit COURT
KENNETH LEE MCQUAGE, Boykins, $623 in court costs and five years probation on violation of probation from grand larceny
KEVIN M. O’MALLY, Philadelphia, $500 fine and $415 in court costs for assaulting police officer
CURTIS MONTRAIL LANKFORD, Courtland, 15 months in prison, $1,500 in court costs for breaking and entering and indefinite supervision for grand larceny.