Southampton Middle School assistant principal resigns

Published 9:18 am Wednesday, July 13, 2011

COURTLAND—The assistant principal at Southampton Middle School is leaving for a principal’s position in Petersburg.

The school board during its Monday meeting accepted Pamela Hartnett’s resignation, effective this Friday. Hartnett has worked for the school district for four years.

Assistant Superintendent Dr. Wayne Smith said several people have applied for the job.

“We have received quite a few (applicants),” Smith said. “The turnout has been extremely good.”

School officials hope to fill the position as soon as possible. A range of pay has not been established, Smith said.

In other personnel matters, the board hired Paul Jackson to teach social studies, Andrew McDaniel II to teach math and Katie Bowser to teach band, all at Southampton Middle School; Austin Anderson Jr. to teach chemistry, Hattie Francis to teach English, and Christine Poteet and Richard Epps to teach physical education, all at Southampton High School; and Robert Hill Jr. to teach social studies for Fresh Start.

The board also hired cafeteria assistants Paulette Barham and Geraldine Fisher, both for Riverdale Elementary School, and James Flood as a custodian for Meherrin Elementary School.

The board also:

• Re-elected Russell Schools chairman and Roberta Naranjo vice chairwoman.

• Agreed to continue meeting at 7 p.m. the second Monday of the month at the high school’s Technical Career Center.

• Set board members’ salaries at $5,000 a year; the chairman will get an additional $300. Board members will be paid 32 cents a mile for travel.

• Learned that Southampton High School had the best overall student attendance rate for 2010-2011 at 95.18 percent out of the district’s six buildings. Nottoway Elementary had the best teacher attendance rate at 94.48 percent. District-wide, the student attendance rate for the year was 94.69 percent and students, 94.17 percent.