Kids College offers courses at arts center
Published 9:20 am Friday, June 24, 2011
Kids College 2011 is in full swing.
Offering unique workshops for students going into second through 12th grades that are designed to teach new skills, develop new interests and hobbies, and explore career opportunities, this summer enrichment series runs weekdays through August.
Featuring a variety of classes every week and over 40 different class choices in career exploration, the arts, hobbies and interests, it includes special partnership programs. The following are descriptions of classes offered in July and August through the Suffolk Cultural Arts Center.
Native American Arts
This session will run Tuesday, July 12, through Thursday July 14, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for rising first- through sixth-graders.
Nansemond Indian tribe members Betty Bass and Bill Gillenwaters will share their knowledge of tribal art, crafts and history. Participants will make dream catchers, medicine bags, spirit stones and more. Bill Gillenwaters will demonstrate and share his mastery of the art of flint knapping, which is chipping arrowheads from stone. Tuition is $75.
Kids Clay
This session will be held Thursdays July 14, 21, 28 and Aug. 4 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for rising first- through seventh-graders.
The program will feature the basics of hand-building, decorating and glazing. Participants will design, create and complete their works of art with instructor Harriette Laskin. Tuition is $75.
Teens at the Potter’s Wheel
This session will be held Thursdays July 14, 21, 28 and Aug. 4 from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. for rising eighth- through 12th-graders.
Participants will learn to “throw” pots and plates, and develop skills on the clay wheel. Tuition is $75.
Making Mosaics
This session will be held Tuesday, Aug. 2, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for rising fourth- through ninth-graders.
Mosaic art reveals the creativity in the creation of beautiful artwork with small pieces of colored stones, glass, pottery chards and other such materials. According to instructor Barbara Dowdy, this form of art dates back to ancient civilizations. In this workshop, participants will learn what one’s ancient ancestors knew and will create mosaic masterpieces. Tuition is $30.
Paint Me a Poem
This session will be held Tuesday, Aug. 2, and Wednesday, Aug. 3, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. for rising first- through sixth-graders.
Presented by Nathan Richardson and Charisse Minerva, the adventure begins with ekphrasis — the graphic, often dramatic description of a visual work of art. In ancient times, it referred to a description of any person, thing or experience. The discussions yield writing, and the writing yields art. Tuition is $40.
From the Page to the Screen: Movies from Books We Love
The session is for rising second- through 12th-graders.
Participants can pick one, or all four movie options — each running from 1 to 4 p.m. They include “Holes,” July 15; “Stuart Little,” July 22; “The Jungle Book,” July 29; and “Bridge to Terebithia,” Aug. 5. The cost for each movie is $3.
Tuition for all Suffolk Culture Arts Center classes includes roundtrip transportation from the Regional Workforce Development Center in Franklin. Parents may also drop off and pick up children from the center. Class times include travel time to and from the center.
Call 569-6050 for more details on Kids College offerings.
For information on other options at
PDCCC, call 569-6700 or visit
DR. PATSY JOYNER is the vice president for institutional advancement at Paul D. Camp Community College. Her email address is