Fighting for a cure
Published 10:06 am Saturday, June 11, 2011

Kenneth Williams Sr., from left, and Shirley Williams of Newsoms, Jack Norvall of Courtland and Judy Riddick of Franklin pose for a photo. -- DALE LIESCH | TIDEWATER NEWS
FRANKLIN—It might be too late to help her husband, but Franklin native Judy Riddick still enjoys the feeling of seeing supporters at Franklin/Southampton Relay for Life.
“It’s a rewarding feeling,” Riddick said. “It gives you hope that one day we’re going to win the battle.”
A 10-year survivor of breast cancer, she lost her husband, Bob, to lung cancer five years ago.
It was the spirit of hope that brought volunteers together on June 4 for Relay for Life and spurred on a giving community.
“We are very proud of all of our dedicated volunteers in their continued effort to fight cancer,” said Relay for Life Committee Chairman Jim Jervey. “Congratulations to all of our 302 volunteers that all pitched in to raise over $120,000 so far. Whether we raise $1, $10 or more, we are helping others and working toward finding a cure.”
Each year, Relay has a friendly competition to help keep track of fundraising efforts.
Bronco Federal Credit Union’s Greenbacks raised the most money with more than $12,500. The High Street United Methodist Church team raised more than $12,000. The Steps of Hope raised almost $9,000.
The Sojourners raised about $7,000. Southampton High School Key leaders raised more than $6,000. Blake’s Mustangs raised almost $6,000 and Pleasant Plain Cruisers for Life raised more than $5,000
The top five individual fundraisers were Kathy Worrell with $4,145, Evelyn Ford $3,695, Phyllis Drewry $2,273, Linda Drake $2,273 and Jane Joyner $1,618.
Linda Drake and Jane Joyner received the Chester Burgess Spirit of Relay Award, while Burgess & Co., which tallied the Relay funds, received the Pete Clark Relay Award.
For the second year in a row, Dana Jones won a guitar signed by the Marshall Tucker Band, which was donated by WLQM-AM-FM “Country Cares for a Cure.”