Eagle award presented to Davis
Published 11:18 am Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Troop 17 Scoutmaster Tom Jones, left, stands with Zachary Davis after receiving his Eagle Scout award as parents Michelle and Phil Davis look on. SUBMITTED
FRANKLIN—Troop 17 Boy Scout Zachary Davis was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout on May 22.
Davis began in scouting as a Tiger Cub in Winter Harbor, Maine. Upon moving to Franklin, he joined Pack 17 at High Street United Methodist Church and progressed through the ranks of Bear and Webelos, being awarded his Arrow of Light in 2004.
Davis joined Troop 17 and has served as patrol leader, patrol quartermaster and assistant senior patrol leader. He has earned 40 merit badges, 12 of which were required for Eagle. Davis camped 74 nights with the troop and completed over 90 service hours.
Elected to the Order of the Arrow in January 2008, his membership was sealed by becoming a brotherhood member on Feb. 20, 2009. Davis also served as chapter chief for two years in the OA as well as Troop 17 OA representative.
He serves in the Nottoway Chapter in the Wahunsenkah Lodge.
Davis has attended summer camp at Camp Chickahominy, Pipsico and Bayport. He has also attended New River High Adventure at Camp Powhatan, Coral Reef Sailing Adventure at Florida National High Adventure Sea Base and the 2010 National Boy Scout Jamboree at Fort AP Hill.
For his Eagle project, Davis cleaned out an area for visitors to picnic by adding an additional picnic table and extra benches at Bear Path Acres outside Franklin.
The Franklin High School senior has been involved with Future Problem Solving, Academic Challenge, DECA, Future Business Leader of America, Student Council and Robotics.
He was a member of the golf team for two years and played offensive left guard on the football team for two years.
Davis plans to attend Virginia Tech and pursue a degree in chemical engineering.
He is the son of Michelle and Phil Davis of Franklin and the grandson of Theodore and Sandra Davis of Georgia, Maxine Peaslee of Corning, N.Y., and the late Edwin Peaslee.