Britt takes People’s Choice at car show

Published 11:50 am Monday, May 9, 2011

A car is reflected in a chrome hubcap Saturday during the Cecil Proffit World of Wheels International Custom Auto Show Saturday at Heritage Park in Windsor. -- Dale Liesch | Tidewater News

WINDSOR—Lawrence Britt won the People’s Choice award during the Cecil Proffit World of Wheels International Custom Auto Show at the Joel C. Bradshaw Fairgrounds on Saturday attended by 650.

Best in Show went to Bob Reyes for car, John Kulakowski for truck and Keith Armstrong for van.

Other winners from the more than 100 entries representing the decades were:

1920—John Alman, car

1930—Dave Linn, car and Roger Creech, truck

1940—Larry Whitley, car, and Kulakowski, truck

1950—Reyes, car, and Gregg Vaughan, truck

1960—Doug Hewitt, car, and Ron Turrell, truck 1970—Dave Lonsdale, truck

1980—Ray Spratley, car

1990—Linwood Heffington, car

2000—J.T. Wilkins, car

2010—Vernon Baugham, car, and Charles Honeycutt, truck.

The Isle of Wight County Fair Committee formed a partnership with Cecil Proffit to continue Profitt’s show, which had been held at Cecil’s Antique Garage in Colosse. Proffit’s shows had outgrown his 10-acre property and his health is declining.

Mike Stephens, chairman of the Isle of Wight County Fair Committee, said the turnout for the first event at the fairgrounds was encouraging.

“The fair committee is extremely pleased with the turnout of participants, guests and vendors,” Stephens said. “This year was a learning experience for staff and volunteers working the event. We are excited about the future possibilities for this family event and we hope with Cecil’s help, to bring an even better show to the fairgrounds in 2012.”