Courtland business fined $5,740

Published 10:53 am Saturday, May 7, 2011

COURTLAND—A Courtland junkyard has agreed to pay a $5,740 fine for failing to conduct required tests for the permit that allows the business to discharge water in the Nottoway River.

According to a consent order between the State Water Control Board and Courtland USA at 28265 Southampton Parkway, the company failed to:

* Document quarterly visual examinations of the quality of storm water discharging from two locations.

* Check for presences of solids, aluminum, iron and lead at discharge locations.

* Protect industrial materials from rain and storm-water runoff.

* Train employees in water pollution prevention.

* Do an annual comprehensive site compliance evaluation.

No one could be reached with Courtland USA on Friday, however, according to the consent order, a representative with the company responded to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality on Nov. 9, indicating these housekeeping deficiencies had been corrected.

The DEQ agreed to return the discharge permit to compliance after the company guaranteed everything had been taken care of and Courtland USA pays its fine, according to the consent order.

If everything is not taken care of by June 1, Courtland USA will have to stop dismantling vehicles and recycling activities, according to the consent order.

No one from DEQ could be reached for comment as to whether or not these violations caused damage to the river.