Mayor will not have office in City Hall

Published 9:42 am Wednesday, March 30, 2011


FRANKLIN—A City Hall office originally designated for Mayor Jim Councill and council members will remain vacant.

The City Council on Monday voted 4-3 to make the office  unavailable for government officials to meet with constituents and conduct business.

Councill said he was in favor of having the office, saying the idea seemed reasonable.

“I think it’s professional,” he said. “I would favor having the office.”

Councilman Greg McLemore said residents should have a place within City Hall to meet with the mayor and council members.

“It’s the citizens’ office,” McLemore said. “This forces citizens to meet with council members or the mayor on their terms.”

Councilman Barry Cheatham said he has never had any complaints from citizens about meeting in other places and has no problem with the way meetings are set up now.

“I don’t think it’s taking anything away from citizens and it’s keeping them from having to meet in our ivory tower,” Cheatham said.

Councilman Don Blythe said he doesn’t see anything wrong with the council and mayor having an office.

“A room’s a room, and if it will benefit some councilmen I don’t see what the problem is,” he said. “I don’t see what the big deal is.”

In addition to Cheatham, Mary Hilliard, Raystine Johnson and Benny Burgess voted against opening the office for mayor and council use. Councill, McLemore and Blythe voted in favor of it.