Franklin residents may get vehicle registration refunds
Published 11:35 am Tuesday, March 15, 2011
FRANKLIN—A missed step in vehicle registration when city decals were eliminated could mean a possible refund for those residents billed a late registration fee.
Ward 5 Councilwoman Mary Hilliard brought the matter to everyone’s attention during Monday’s City Council meeting.
“When we abolished decals, we didn’t take every step,” said City Manager June Fleming. “We charged a late fee for which we had no authority.”
Fleming and City Attorney Taylor Williams agreed charges should be refunded.
While the details, including the amounts of the refund, are to be worked out; the motion passed in its favor.
Two policies regarding city vehicles also were passed. Williams said a list of city employees using city vehicles could be given once year, around August, to the Division of Motor Vehicles.
As long as an employee has no negative point balance on his or her driving record, that person may continue to drive a city vehicle. Reporting any driving issues (accidents, for example) is that person’s responsibility. The information would not be public record.
Williams also suggested for consistency purposes that all city employees living within a 20-mile radius of Franklin be allowed to take city vehicles home. This already exists for police, firefighters and rescue workers. Previously the limit for all other city employees was 10 miles. Williams explained that this format is accepted by the Internal Revenue Service.
All council members voted for these polices, except for Ward 6’s Don Blythe.
He stressed that while he has “the greatest respect for Franklin police,” he still believes that the 10-mile limit is sufficient for all.
“The 20-mile limit stretches a bit too far,” said Blythe. “There’s a lot of expense and wear-and-tear on city vehicles.”