Be sure your home is properly marked
Published 9:27 am Saturday, March 12, 2011

Susan Keeter, captain of the EMS team for Franklin Fire and Rescue, holds up an example of a reflective address marker. The FFR is taking orders for such markers to be put on mailboxes or houses. Call 562-8590 or 569-025 for details. -- STEPHEN H. COWLES | TIDEWATER NEWS
FRANKLIN—Imagine you have a fire or medical emergency one night, but the firefighters and rescue team can’t find you. Why? Because your house address can’t readily be seen.
But this isn’t a rare occurrence for the Franklin Fire & Rescue Team.
“We see it all the time,” said Susan Keeter, emergency medical services captain and president of the fire department. “Some of the houses don’t have them, or some are so small you can’t read them from the road, or don’t reflect enough that you can see them. Sometimes the address numbers are on one side of the mailbox, but not the other, or we can’t see the numbers.
“If we can’t find you, we can’t help you,” she said.
To prevent any potential tragedy, Franklin Fire & Rescue is selling reflective address markers. The cost is $10 for a house marker; $15 for a mailbox marker.
This is an inaugural event for Franklin Fire & Rescue, and Keeter said it’s a fundraiser, but not specified as yet.
Forms are available at the fire department and Keeter Kuts, 32427 Green Oaks Lane, Franklin.
Make checks payable to Franklin Fire & Rescue, and mail to Franklin Fire & Rescue, 100 S. Main St., Franklin, Va., 23851. Allow two to four weeks for processing.
For more information, call Keeter at 562-8590 or 569-8025.