Locals will shave heads for fundraiser
Published 9:17 am Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Helping raise money for cancer research by agreeing to have their heads shaved last year were from left in front, Rod Manuel, Sidney Wilson, Judy Wilson and Dwight Edwards, and in back, David Rabil, Bobby Holland, hairstylist Naomi Koontz, Bryan Fenters and Jeff Harper.
FRANKLIN—Fred’s bartender Scott Seddon lost his mother to cancer.
Now he’s helping raise money for children with cancer.
Seddon is organizing the third annual fundraiser for St. Baldrick’s Foundation at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 19 at Fred’s. Participants get pledges in exchange for shaving their heads. The goal for this year’s event is $7,000; last year $6,000 was raised and the year before, $5,000.
“A group of us used to throw parties, and then we decided that for at least once a year, we’d do something were we would give back,” Seddon said.
He debated between the American Cancer Society or St. Baldrick’s.
“St. Baldrick’s was just starting out,” Seddon said. “It was seven years old at the time, and it was starting to be the fastest (growing) cancer thing. We found out that it all goes to children, which my mom lived her life for. I’m sad that she’s gone, but it’d be nice just to give to the children.”
The event at Fred’s has always honored Jimmy Collick of Chesapeake. Collick has Downs syndrome and acute myelogenous leukemia. He and his family will attend, and his father is shaving his head in hopes of collecting $500 in pledges.
Local resident Erik Neave and Tim Lowe are also expected to participate for a first time.
“I’ve got some new people to come in that are pretty well-liked through the community,” Seddon said. “A lot of people can’t believe Erik is going to shave his head.”
“(Scott) approached me and T. Lowe about it,” Neave said. “I enjoy doing for anybody and everybody. It doesn’t matter what it is. I’ll do whatever I’ve got to do if it raises money for something like that.”
“I’ve got soft spots for the little young ones,” Lowe added. “I love kids.”
Neave and Lowe formed the team, UGOTUM, and aim to raise $1,000.
“That’s just starters,” Lowe said. “I’d like to see $3,000.”
Donations are tax-free and can be given online at stbaldricks.com, keyword Fred’s Restaurant. If anyone would like to donate to Neave and Lowe, select their team name on the event page, or contact them.
Donations may also be given at the event on March 19.