Judge says supervisors illegally rezoned 55 acres near Ivor
Published 3:40 pm Tuesday, February 15, 2011
COURTLAND—A judge on Tuesday determined Southampton County Supervisors illegally rezoned a 55-acre area from agriculture to industrial for an Ivor motorcycle and ATV track.
Substitute Judge William C. Andrews III ordered that supervisors revisit their decision.
Although on the losing end, Supervisor Ron West, who represents the Ivor/Berlin District, said he was pleased with the judge’s decision.
“The judge was right,” West said. “When we looked at this, we made a decision, and it wasn’t wrong. Later, we changed our ways and voted 6-1 (to reverse the initial decision).”
West explained that in June 2008 supervisors reversed their decision, changing the rezoned property on New Road from industrial back to agriculture.
Property owner Anthony Scodes didn’t favor the change, West said.
“We offered to pay the expenses to redo this legally,” he said. “It kind of hung in limbo, and he wasn’t doing anything.”
Scodes could not be reached for comment.
Sixteen residents who live near the dirt track sued the county for spot zoning because the 55 acres lies within a 238-acre parcel.
Plaintiff Diane Kropewnicki said she was pleased with the judge’s decision on Tuesday.
“It was illegal spot zoning,” Kropewnicki said. “It should’ve never happened. What the board of supervisors did was illegal.”