Important questions about Navy plan
Published 9:36 am Friday, February 11, 2011
To the Editor:
The Franklin City Council should:
• Publish in The Tidewater News the specific locations list of the Navy’s other options for turboprop pilot training — and whether or not those places want or oppose the Navy’s plans.
• Publish in The Tidewater News an opinion on whether the Navy has the legal right to come into the airfield, with or without first having obtained a declaration of national emergency.
• Publish in The Tidewater News the following information: the number of new employees this project will employ, who come from Franklin, and the number of current employees in Franklin or Isle of Wight County governments whose salaries the Navy will underwrite. Please give the title and salaries involved.
• Publish in The Tidewater News the estimated amount of money that the Navy will annually spend in Franklin for goods and services from local merchants, including lodging, airport maintenance, insurance, food, fuel and social services.
• Publish in The Tidewater News the estimated amount of one-time expenditures that the Navy will spend initially and on what? How much of that money will involve local companies?
Robert Trainor