Finally time to wet a line or two

Published 8:13 am Friday, February 4, 2011

Bob Rudzik with twin sons, David, left and Robert holding a string of trout they caught from a stream in northwest Pennsylvania in 2000.

I’m glad to say there is at least one person out there who is wearing her big-girl pants. Thank you so much, Darlene, for adopting one of two stray hunting dogs featured in my column last week. The dogs were adopted from Tri-county Animal Shelter in Tyner, N.C.

Hey, it is getting to be fishing season. Wednesday, when it was near 70, I didn’t feel too much like working, but the bills have to be paid.

Sitting here, before the season begins, I wonder what kind of memories will be made this summer. I have attached a picture of one such memory from the spring of 2000.

My twins, Robert and David, were 6 years old and we had gone to the northwest Pennsylvania stream where I grew up trout fishing. Yep, the same stream my younger brother, Greg, hooked himself on and the same stream I floated down using my waders as a couple of bobbers.

We had a great weekend with family and friends fishing for those sometimes-elusive trout. Can you see it in our faces?

This year we plan to be on the Nottoway and Blackwater as often as possible. We will start this weekend and see what happens. The spadefish are going to be running soon, and we have plans to chase them.

I’m sure we will go off shore once or twice and try to fill up on tuna steaks. The rest of the time will be spent exploring farm ponds in the area. I have always enjoyed farm pond fishing; they can hold some really nice fish and I’ve been showing Robert and David exactly that.

I’m also gearing up for some fly-fishing with my editor, right, Sunshine? I’m not sure if there is anything more fun than catching brim on a fly rod.

I’m sure Jayton “Jitterbug” Billups and his crew will be on the water chasing his Master Angler award. To tell you the truth, I’d be surprised if he doesn’t have it this summer. Sorry if that puts a little pressure on you and your team, Jitterbug.

OK, just like hunting season, it is now your turn to share your plans and pictures. How about sending in a picture and short story of one of your memories? My email address is

Please be careful while outdoors. Make sure everyone has life jackets, be sure to take the safety equipment with you and don’t forget that plug! Those of you who are distant relatives of mine, you know what I mean.

Take care until next week and thanks again, Darlene.

BOB RUDZIK is a Newsoms resident. He can be reached at