Tell Navy ‘no thank you’
Published 8:02 am Wednesday, December 22, 2010
To the Editor:
The Dec. 14 demonstration by the Navy clearly shows that this needs the Franklin City Council’s immediate attention.
It is proof positive that for residents on the north end of the city, from the Blackwater River west to College Drive, this noise is intrusive and offensive. It creates a safety hazard, will distress real estate values and dramatically lowers quality of life.
Although APZs have yet to be publicly identified, our residences must be located in Accident Potential Zones as well as the hospital, the YMCA and the high school.
I urge City Council members to do the right thing on behalf of the citizens and say “No, thanks.” Ask the Navy to look elsewhere, where an airstrip is more remote from population centers.
The Navy has said they do not wish to “impose a solution.” Please, let’s take them at their word.
Rick Ivey