Good luck to McPherson

Published 9:43 am Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We want to wish the best of luck to Isle of Wight County School Superintendent Dr. Michael W. McPherson, who plans to retire on June 30.

After announcing his retirement on Friday, School Board Chairman David Goodrich noted that McPherson had done all the board expected of him since joining the school district eight years ago.

That includes increasing student achievement and employees’ compensation, making Isle of Wight County teachers and administrators some of the best paid in the region. McPherson also was credited with bringing in quality employees and increasing services shared between the school district and county.

Under McPherson’s leadership, the school district was named Business of the Year by the Isle of Wight County Chamber of Commerce in 2004.

Being the superintendent of a school district has to be one of the toughest, most thankless jobs out there. And although it seems the jobs pays well, you are constantly under the watch of a demanding public eye.

Now it’s time for McPherson to take it easy and reflect on a job well done.