Isle of Wight schools seek input on grade scale

Published 8:29 am Friday, November 5, 2010

SMITHFIELD—At the direction of the Isle of Wight School Board, the school division has appointed a committee to review its grading scale, according to spokeswoman Katherine Goff.

The committee has developed a survey to get more input from parents and students. The survey is available online at website,

The Isle of Wight County School Board during an August meeting voted unanimously to direct Superintendent Dr. Michael McPherson to form a committee to study the school district’s grading scale.

The committee is to report its findings to the board by its December meeting.

A number of parents have voiced their support of a 10-point scale at recent School Board meetings. They feel it would give their students a better chance at college scholarships.

Parent Judy Morin in August presented the board with a petition containing more than 600 signatures asking the School Board to convert to a 10-point grading scale. Currently, a grade of 94 to 100 is an A; 86 to 93 is a B; 78-85 is a C; and 70-77 is a D.