Seven walkers for Cure commended

Published 10:24 am Saturday, October 16, 2010

We give credit to the seven ladies from Western Tidewater who participated in last weekend’s Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure walk in Washington, D.C.

Leeann Alexander, Beth Francis, Emily Rountree and Grace Francis were members of a team called the Sisterhood of Southampton Sneakers. Katie Cobb, Lisa Turner and Rhonda Harrup represented Cheers for Courage.

The women walked 60 miles in three days to raise money for breast cancer research. Two nights were spent sleeping in Breast Cancer Awareness Month pink tents.

These ladies did more than walk and raise money.

By participating, they showed their support for all those who have suffered from breast cancer and those who have had family members and friends faced with the sometimes deadly disease.

Looking around at the thousands of walkers, Alexander noted that each probably had a cancer story.

Alexander’s team had its reasons. Her co-worker Donna Rountree has breast cancer. Beth Francis also works with Alexander and Rountree at the Farm Service Agency in Franklin. Emily Rountree is Donna’s daughter, and Grace Francis is Emily’s friend.

We can only imagine what it must’ve been like in our nation’s capital last weekend. To see all that support must’ve felt pretty good to the healthy and not-so-healthy.

We commend all of them.