Fines waived on overdue library books
Published 11:36 am Friday, October 15, 2010
Anyone with overdue books, DVDs or other materials borrowed from any branch of Blackwater Regional Library can return them without paying fines from Sunday, Oct. 17, through Saturday, Oct. 23.
During the last Fine Free Week in April, the library received 1,371 overdue items, the
oldest of which was checked out in 2003.
Materials may be placed in book drops outside libraries. The library wants to get its materials back, especially important in a time of tight budgets.
In the last year, the nine branches of the Blackwater Regional Library circulated
545,033 items, an average of 29 items every hour the library was open. Over 51,000
children and adults attended more than 2,000 programs. Computers were used 79,524 times and 5,943 new customers signed up for a free library card.