Hats off to hospital

Published 12:11 pm Saturday, October 2, 2010

Southampton Memorial Hospital has once again been recognized for the way it treats its patients.

The Franklin hospital two months ago was recognized as Hampton Roads’ best in eight categories of patient care.Now Southampton Memorial Hospital has been named the most consistent facility in Virginia.

That was determined through the Hospital Care Quality Information from the Consumer Perspective survey. The 27-question survey asked participants to rank hospitals on 18 patient perspectives on care. It covered communication with doctors, communication with nurses, responsiveness of hospital staff, pain management, communication about medicines, discharge information, hospital cleanliness and quietness.

Kim Marks, assistant chief executive officer for SMH, attributes the hospital’s high marks to its employees.

There’s no doubt in our mind that Marks’ remark is on the mark.

The employees are the backbone of any company. The strength of that backbone depends on the dedication of its employees. Employees are likely to be more dedicated and productive if treated well by their employers.

So hats off to the administration at SMH for encouraging its employees to do their best. And thanks to the employees for treating patients with kindness during a time when they probably feel their worst.